2025 March Lunch and learn

Special guest live online: Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE,

as he shares out

Growing Your Speaking Empire! Get More Bookings, Sell More Products and Services, and Make a Bigger Impact!

03-03-2025 at 12:00 pm

We're so excited to welcome Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE, live online with our community for this special chapter program.

This NSA Chapter program is designed for professional speakers, thought leaders, authors, and consultants that want to increase revenues, expand their digital footprint, attract new customers and gain a competitive edge. Ford will share insider secrets to help you make money from YOUR expertise.  This event is perfect for the emerging speaker to the advanced 6 or 7-figure earners too!

Guests are welcome, though they must register! All registered participants will receive a copy of the recording (though best to attend live and get your questions answered!!). Additionally Ford has a special offer for all that register!

More about Ford:

Ford Saeks, CSP, CPAE is a founding member and past chair of NSA’s Million Dollar Speakers Group, he run’s his own 7-figure speaking business, and has helped many well-known professional speakers, past presidents, CSP’s, CPAE’s, authors and consultants grow their businesses. He’s one of only 20 people in the Speakers Roundtable and he only speaks to a couple NSA chapters each year.  Ford has redefined the formula for business success. His efforts have helped companies generate a total of over a billion dollars in sales worldwide. From start-ups to Fortune 500’s, Saeks is widely recognized as a Business Growth Innovator. With over 20 years’ experience (ranging from retail to wholesale), he has founded over ten companies, authored four books, awarded three U.S. patents, and received numerous industry awards.  As President and CEO of Prime Concepts Group, Inc., an integrated marketing services firm, Ford specializes in helping businesses attract loyal and repeat customers, monetize social media, and ignite creativity.

Have an idea or recommendation?  Then please share with us at info@nsahawaii.org!

2025 March Lunch and learn
03-03-2025 at 12:00 pm
Register Now
2025 March Lunch and learn
03-03-2025 at 12:00 pm
Register Now

Thank you for joining us!

Here is a special offer from Ford to take advantage to grow your business immediately! https://profitrichresults.com/nsa-special/